CLNA Kids Halloween Costume Walk

By October 31, 2020November 10th, 2020Events

Everyone has struggled this season with finding ways to have get-togethers or celebrations, while still taking the safety precautions necessary given COVID-19.  After much discussion, we decided having a Halloween Costume Walk for CLNA member families that would comply with the CDC Guidelines.  It gave families an option besides going trick-or-treating, which was considered a high risk activity by the CDC.  The kids donned their costumes and received a basket of goodies at the end. A welcomed surprise was the City of St. Petersburg Fire Department who happened to show up at the end of the costume walk. The kids got to check out a fire truck as a bonus.  The kids and adults had a blast! A big thank you to Kristi Aussner who assembled all the baskets for the kids, the families who participated, and the neighbors who cheered on the kids in their costumes!