

2018 Easter Egg Hunt

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We had an eggcellent time at our Easter egg hunt in Crescent Lake Park!  Every year Crescent Lake and Crescent Heights Neighborhoods join together for this popular event.  Thanks to Smith & Associates for sponsoring the Easter Bunny, Ann Schieser for performing Easter Bunny duties, and Vice & Virtue for their donation of coffee and juice.  Vice & Virtue is planning to open a coffee shop not far from our neighborhood!

We learned from previous Easter egg hunts that we had to arrive earlier to spread and hide so many Easter eggs (check), that more volunteers were needed (check), and that a bullhorn was necessary for announcements (check).  The one thing we have not been able to control or manage are the squirrels stealing easter eggs when we start spreading them out in the morning.  We caught one bold squirrel on this video:

No matter how long it takes up to spread the Easter eggs, they get picked up faster than you can say Jack Robinson!  Thus, the only way you can truly capture the Easter egg hunt is in slow motion:

Holidays in Crescent Lake 2017

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We would like to thank all our members this holiday season.   Your membership and participation in your neighborhood association is crucial to continuing our mission to improve our neighborhood and bring neighbors together.  We are so grateful that there has been such an outpouring of support from our neighborhood.  We have seen so many new faces! Hopefully, you have met at least one new neighbor through being a part of the neighborhood association.  If you have not, please join us at a future meeting or event.  Besides home holiday parties, below are some of the ways we celebrated the holidays here in Crescent Lake:
Holiday Movie in the Park
On a beautiful cool Saturday evening in December we held our Holiday Movie in the Park: Polar Express.  The event was in our historic baseball field, Huggins-Stengel Field, under the Crescent Lake Water Tower.  You could not ask for a more idyllic setting for a movie.  Concessions were sold by TASCO, our partner, to benefit their teen programs.  Children were handed bells with tags reminders that the bell still rings for those who truly…Believe.  Our council member, Darden Rice, gave opening remarks.  In the opening remarks she shared a little bit of history on the event location.  Below are some highlights from her remarks on our field of dreams and how you should never stop believing:
This land here, along with the lake, and 56 acres surrounding it was owned by C. Perry Snell in the early 1900s.  He envisioned turning the property into a city park and in 1919 sold it to the city of St. Petersburg to turn it into a public park for $30,000, below what the land was valued at the time.   Mr. Snell’s vision and generosity left its mark on our great city by ensuring the preservation to public uses of this great park.  Soaring above us is a local landmark, the 175-feet high Crescent Lake Water Tower built in 1923.  Its mural was painted in 1992 by Artist Tom Stovall and restored in 2017 to its original glory.  In 1924, Mayor Lang convinced the New York Yankees to bring the Yankees to St. Petersburg.  This baseball field was built for them and “made to measure” for Babe Ruth who was the home run king at the time.    The New York Yankees trained here from 1925-1961, followed by the New York Mets (1962-1987), and the Baltimore Orioles (1992-1995).  Baseball greats such as Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Cal Ripken Jr., Roger Maris, Tom Seaver, Daryl Strawberry, Dwight Golden, Nolan Ryan, and Willie Mays played right here at Huggins-Stengel Field.  Even Marilyn Monroe once visited the field.  You can see some of the original lockers and photographs inside the building here.  I share a little bit of history because this movie tonight is about believing.  So never stop believing – believing that you can make a difference, leave your mark in this world such as the visionary who gave us Crescent Lake Park, or the artist that paints a mural, or the baseball greats who make baseball history.
We are so happy that we could bring this event to you this year.  This event was one of our original goals back in 2016 for 2017.  This  event was made possible by Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association, TASCO, and the City of St. Petersburg.  We look forward to having you join us for next year’s Holiday Movie in the Park.
Deck the Lake with Christmas Cheer
A few years ago, some neighbors got together to spread “Christmas cheer for all to hear” by caroling in the neighborhood.  A year may have been taken off to rest the vocal cords and fine tune the melodies.  This year we are happy to announce that the song sheets were dusted off for a memorable night of Decking the Lake with some Christmas Cheer on December 22nd.  We could not make every house, but you may have heard us in the neighborhood last night.  As you may know, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.  We found that the Christmas spirit is definitely alive in the Crescent Lake Neighborhood!  Our member, Linda Giandiletti, was the caroling leader.  We met at Linda’s beautifully decorated home to prepare for our evening out with some light hors d’oeuvres and our libations.  A big thank you to Linda for coordinating this most fun event!

2017 Easter Egg Hunt

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The 2017 Easter Egg Hunt is a wrap!  This is a joint event with our wonderful neighbor, Crescent Heights, whom we always have fun with.  A special guest appearance from the Easter Bunny was a nice surprise this year.  Another wonderful surprise was the cool weather we had that morning.  The Easter Bunny was especially appreciative.

We lost count of the eggs, but estimated between 600-800 eggs were spread throughout the lawn at Crescent Lake Park for the little ones and hidden more carefully for the bigger kids.  This was no small task.  It took approximately 30 minutes to hide eggs and a blink of an eye for the kiddos to pick them up.  We had approximately 7 volunteers and after debriefing from their completed mission believe we need more volunteers for next year.  This year’s turnout was the largest we can remember.  As a result, we will need a megaphone for announcements next year if the turnout is as large.

A BIG thanks to Smith & Associates for the Easter Bunny; Ann Schieser, our Treasurer, for bunny duties; and Kristi Aussner our Vice-President and Sara Suits from Crescent Heights for coordinating this event.

Fun times at CLNA/CHNA’s Potluck Picnic in the Park

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With all the planning that goes into any event, one thing you cannot predict is the weather, especially for a picnic.  However, you definitely can increase your chances of good weather for a Florida outdoor event during our cooler and dryer months of the year.  With a high of 74 degrees and clear blue skies, last Sunday turned out to be the perfect day for a picnic in Crescent Lake Park.

We have always enjoyed a special relationship with our neighboring association to the north of us, Crescent Heights Neighborhood Association.  We’ve had joint Easter Egg Hunts and events at Sunken Gardens.  So why not something new?  This was the first joint Potluck Picnic in the Park.  There were new friends to meet.  There were lawn games for the kids to play.  There was fabulous food brought by all that participated.  Plus, it was a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors at our beautiful Crescent Lake Park.

A special thanks to Greg Fallon from Crescent Heights Neighborhood Association who coordinated the event with Sarah Breen, our Secretary.  Thank you to all who attended and participated.  We look forward to next year’s picnic!

Picnic Feb. 12th at Crescent Lake Park with Crescent Heights Neighborhood

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photo of picnic basket and blanket
When was the last time you had a picnic in our beautiful park?  In Florida, picnics can happen any time of the year.  For that reason, we are taking advantage of the cooler weather in February.  The holiday rush is over.  The settling into the New Year is over.  So relax with us!

Join Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association and Crescent Heights Neighborhood Association for a potluck picnic at Crescent Lake Park on February 12, 2017 from noon – 2:00 p.m.  You just need to bring yourself, your family, neighbors, blanket, and a dish to share.

If interested, please contact Sarah at  See flyer below:

Potluck flyer